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3.2.26 Released

RubyGems 3.2.26 includes enhancements and bug fixes.

In particular, it includes some fixes to the RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS experimental mode that allows automatically launching the specific version of binstubs locked in your Gemfile.lock file without using bundle exec.

To use it, set the RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS environment variable with the value -, or to the specific name of your Gemfile file if you’re not using standard names (either Gemfile or gems.rb).

We encourage users to try this experimental mode and give us feedback.

To update to the latest RubyGems you can run:

gem update --system

To install RubyGems by hand see the Download RubyGems page.

## Enhancements:

  • Enhance the error handling for loading the rubygems/defaults/operating_system file. Pull request #4824 by intuxicated
  • Ignore RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS for the bundler gem. Pull request #4532 by deivid-rodriguez

## Bug fixes:

  • Also load user installed rubygems plugins. Pull request #4829 by deivid-rodriguez

SHA256 Checksums:

  • rubygems-3.2.26.tgz
  • rubygems-update-3.2.26.gem
David Rodríguez